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Navigating Changes to the ARP

Important Note: This resource has been created by Helping Irish Hosts, based on our expertise, to help guide you. However, it's not legal or financial advice. Every situation is unique, so if you're uncertain about anything, it's always a good idea to seek professional guidance. We strive to keep our information accurate and up-to-date - take what's useful, and use it wisely! 

For thousands of people all over Ireland, the Accommodation Recognition Payment (ARP) has been a crucial support in enabling them to host displaced Ukrainians. It was introduced as a temporary measure by the state in recognition of the generosity of hosts. Read more about the scheme here. 


Changes to the ARP

The Accommodation Recognition Payment (ARP) scheme has now been extended until 31st March 2026, in alignment with the Temporary Protection Directive which runs until that date. However, there will be a reduction in the monthly payment from €800 to €600, starting from June 2025, pending approval by the Oireachtas.
Read the official statement here.


Helping Irish Hosts, along with our partners in the Ukraine Civil Society Forum, have strongly advocated for the ARP to continue at its current rate and have called for clear communication about the timeline and method for these changes. You can view our full statement here. 


While this extension provides some certainty for hosts and their guests, we know that conversations are already happening in homes across the country about what comes next. This page is here to help hosts and guests navigate the coming changes from an informed perspective and to encourage open, honest conversations about the future of your hosting arrangement.

There’s a similar guide for guests here.


We’ve outlined some of the main options host might be considering as they look ahead:  


  1. Continue hosting, regardless of changes to ARP. 

  2. Continue hosting, but seek an additional financial contribution from your guest to ‘top-up’ the ARP if the current rate of ARP is reduced. 

  3. Continue in the existing living arrangements, but transition out of hosting and into a rental agreement.

  4. End the current hosting agreement, and give your guests notice to find alternative accommodation. 


We go into further detail on each of the options below.

1. Continue hosting, regardless of changes to ARP

‘Hosting existed before the ARP and it will continue afterwards’


This quote from one of our recent Online Host Drop-ins summarises our belief about the core of hosting in Ireland. We are privileged to serve a community that remains primarily motivated by solidarity (Host Survey results here) and we also know that while the war continues and Ukrainians need support, people will continue to open their homes. 


That said, we know that anyone who can afford to host without any sort of financial recognition is part of a privileged minority. We continue to advocate for the extension of the ARP as a support to those hosting Ukrainians and the widening of it to support other refugee cohorts.  


Note: If you’re currently hosting, or open to hosting, refugees of other nationalities and would like to join our campaign to extend the ARP, please fill in this form.


Practical Considerations

  • You should have a license agreement or home sharing agreement in place. 

  • This agreement should be time limited, with an agreed end date and timelines for reviewing how the agreement is working.

  • It is now common practice to ask guests for contributions to utility bills in shared living arrangements. We recommend that for self-contained arrangements, utilities are placed in the guest’s name and/or they have access to bills and meter readings. 

  • See our webpages on How to Host for information and considerations when you are setting up or reviewing your hosting arrangement. Get in touch for additional support. 

2. Continue Hosting under ARP but with an additional ‘Top-Up’ payment

Now that a reuction to ARP has been announced, many hosts may consider additional “top up” contributions from their guest, beyond utilities. While this might feel like an obvious and practical solution, there are some important considerations to take into account before making any such arrangement. 


The legislation on ARP states that ARP is not payable if a rental agreement is in place. There are no set parameters as to what might be considered rent versus a “top up”. An additional financial contribution from their guest, beyond utilities, may be considered a rental agreement, regardless of whether this was intentional on the part of the host or not.  


There are differences in terms of the type of rental agreement that could be established, and this depends on whether the hosting arrangement is in a shared or self-contained property.

In the case of self-contained arrangements, a significant financial contribution by the guest may constitute a tenancy and require the host to register with the RTB. See our ARP guide here for a more in-depth explanation of the implications of top-up payments. 


Practical Considerations

  • Consider what is a fair amount of money - this will vary based on your individual situation and your guests' circumstances.

  • If you are considering accepting a top-up payment then be sure to read our guide on ARP and contact the ARP Helpline to discuss the specifics of your arrangement.

  • If your guests are in a self-contained property, also contact the RTB for advice on your specific arrangement.

  • Check with Revenue and/or Intreo to determine whether there are tax implications or impacts to your social welfare entitlements.

  • Make sure that any agreement is discussed openly with everyone involved, is put in writing and has a clear end date.

3. Transition out of hosting and into a rental agreement

You might be open to transitioning your current hosting arrangement to a private rental arrangement and your guests may even be eligible for a rent supplement to help them meet this new cost. The way to do this varies depending on whether your guests are living in your home with you, or if they are in a self-contained property. 


Practical Considerations

Shared Accommodation (If you share a space in a home)

  • Eligibility for Rent a Room Tax Relief Scheme:
    Rental income is taxable. However, if the accommodation is shared (or self-contained and attached to your home i.e. converted garage/basement) you can benefit from the Rent a Room Tax Relief Scheme. This means you won’t pay any tax on rental income up to €14,000 per year. N.B. You still have to declare the money to the revenue, and if you go over the €14,000 threshold, the full amount is taxable. 

  • The Rent a Room Scheme also won’t impact any means-tested social assistance payments that you may receive.

  • You are not required to register with the RTB but you should complete a license agreement that has an agreed end date.

  • This could be a great option if your guest wants to stay in a familiar home while transitioning into the rental market.


Self-Contained Accommodation

  • Transition to a Tenancy Agreement:
    Accommodation that is self-contained can be transitioned by replacing the current Licence Agreement with a Tenancy Agreement. See guidance from the RTB and a sample agreement here.

  • Rental income is taxable but you can claim expenses and might get some relief (e.g. RPRIRO Income relief).

  • Registration with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB):
    Landlords (formerly hosts) must register the property with the RTB and adhere to all applicable Landlords Rights and Obligations under Irish rental laws.

  • It is possible to opt out of security of tenure rules if the flat/apartment is attached to your home but you must get notice in writing, before the start of the tenancy to do this.


Financial Assistance for Renters

  • The tenant (formerly guest) may be able to apply for Renters Tax Credit or Rent Supplement to help with the cost of rent in both shared and self-contained rental agreements.  

  • Ukrainians in Ireland are currently not eligible for social housing schemes like Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) as they do not have ‘a legal right to remain in the state on a long term basis’, see here.

  • See our Guest Transition Guide for more information. 


Transitioning to a rental agreement can be a daunting decision. It's crucial to be fully informed about the potential implications involved, particularly where it's a self-contained property. This overview provides a starting point, but it's essential to seek independent advice from organisations specialising in this area, such as:

4. End the current Hosting agreement

If the time has come for you to end your hosting arrangement, that is absolutely ok. Hosting was never intended to be forever. We offer lots of advice on how to approach this conversation with your guest once you are ready. See our Moving On page for more information. 


Choosing the right path forward for you and your guest is a personal decision. We encourage hosts to make the right choice for their own living situation. 


If the uncertainty regarding ARP is affecting your ability to host, or if you wish to share the impact hosting has had on your life, then please consider emailing your elected representative to ask them for clarity on the future of the ARP and accommodation for refugees in Ireland.  

Regardless of which path you decide to take, we are here to support and advise you on next steps. You can contact the Support Team by emailing or by calling 01 2630360.



Accommodation Recognition Payment offered by the Irish State to recognise those who have hosted Ukrainians.


Money that you pay in return for being able to use property and especially to live in an apartment, house, etc., that belongs to someone else.

Self-contained accommodation

A property that contains a complete living space and is occupied by only the tenant/s. Includes a basement flat or converted garage, which is attached to the landlord's home. 

Rental Agreement

An agreement to have use of accommodation in exchange for money paid. A rental agreement can be a license agreement, or a tenancy depending on the living arrangements. 

Shared Accommodation

Accommodation that is shared by the host and guest together.

Tenancy Agreement

An agreement formed when use of a self-contained property is given in exchange for rent. When written down it is known as a lease, but a tenancy can be formed without a written agreement in place. 

Top-up Payment

Money that is paid in addition to the money offered by the state under the ARP scheme. It does not include money for utility bills. 

Licensee Agreement

An agreement formed when someone stays by invitation of the owner of a residence e.g. when guest stays with a host, or when a lodger stays in your home in exchange for rent, like in a homeshare or ‘digs’ arrangement. 

Homeshare Agreement

An agreement we endorse that sets out the terms of sharing your home. 

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Helping Irish Hosts aims to empower and support individuals and communities in Ireland to host Ukrainians in their homes safely and sustainably. 

HIH is incorporated as a CLG (717469). We are funded by The One Foundation, The Sunflower Foundation, The Community Foundation, Choose Love and via the work we carry out under a Service Level Agreement with The Irish Red Cross.

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